Dynamic Brisbane duo launch RWC Gateway
After working together for almost a decade, commercial real estate team Jared Doyle and Jack Gwyn have taken their business to the next level, opening RWC Gateway.
At this point, following government regulations, many of our team members will be working from home rather than the office premises. The good news is, we are able to host virtual property tours, private inspections, and online/digital auctions and tenants have all been provided electronic banking details in regards to rental payments. We have tested our systems and remote services and are more than confident we are still able to carry out the day to day business functions.
We welcome the opportunity to continue to support the many Australians who rely on us to support them in renting, buying, selling and managing their properties – albeit in a different way from the usual. We are well prepared to do this.
Thank you for your support over the last couple of weeks during these challenging times – your patience is greatly appreciated.
Should you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the office on (02) 9101 8000 to be directed to a staff member.
After working together for almost a decade, commercial real estate team Jared Doyle and Jack Gwyn have taken their business to the next level, opening RWC Gateway.
In the dynamic and ever-evolving world of real estate investment, one key decision can make all the difference in the success of an investor’s portfolio: the choice of their management team.